The law help
I am the Chinese employee of a multinational company, belonging to the
company sale department, this section sale accomplishment is good.Because
of the reason of the company, the strategy of the next year will adjust,
reduce the stafftrimmer to our section, involving about 100 people!
Recently, the company declared the indemnification policy, according to
the lowest standard performance that China labors the method, namely" N+1",
such policy I have the following problem:
Does the A, our company is the foreign capital company, should carry on
the indemnification according to the international standard?
B, The headquarters of our company establish in England, whether can
according to the British law to carry on the indemnification?
C, In the industry,already have several company reduce the stafftrimmer,
the indemnification standards are over the" N+3" !
D, our company also carried on the large-scale retrenchment in 1999, the
indemnification standard is this 200%, this for we whether have constituted
the " bias"?
The E, our company is a world 500 strong, be again is" the best
employer" of year by the ÆÀ , have the law of raise the indemnification
standard according to?
Aim at the above problem, look for the experienced personage of the law
field to provide the help!Thanks!