NLL Closure / DLR to Stratford International
In message , Paul Scott
DLR have convinced the DfT that they undertook a full consultation,
including 100% coverage of homes in the area. You must have been out
when this happened, if you are new to the area, then unlucky, you
missed it....
'In October 2004, a leaflet describing the proposals was distributed to
over 40,000 households and businesses within the catchment area of the
proposal. This was followed by presentations at various local forums in
late 2004. In February 2005, a second leaflet describing station
options was distributed to households and businesses within the station
catchment areas. This was followed by a number of local open workshops
in early March 2005 to gauge comments and issues. In July 2005 the
selected locations for new stations were presented to local residents,
with plans and artists impressions.'
Oh yes, I remember that coming though the door. I was one of those
'screwed Newhamites' who agreed with what they proposed and look forward
to the enhancements we're getting.
I thought the plan was for a Beckton - Stratford Intl service, I do hope that will be handy.
Steve Fitzgerald has now left the building.
You will find him in London's Docklands, E16, UK
(please use the reply to address for email)