John Rowland wrote:
Dave Arquati wrote:
John Rowland wrote:
The ideal solution would be to build new DLR platforms high over the
existing NLL platform, join the current JLE island to the current NLL
island, and reroute the Londonbound JLE via the current NLL platform
for North Woolwich, so you end up with both DLR islands sitting on
top of a very wide JLE island. I think the A13 westbound slip road
would get in the way of the raised DLR track to/from Stratford ...
but that sliproad is hardly necessary, because the current eastbound
sliproad could be made 2-way without too many problems.
Nice layout idea - but I'm unconvinced about making the eastbound
sliproad 2-way. The angles would be horrific.
What angles?
For westbound vehicles trying to get onto the A13... am I missing something?
Dave Arquati - Transport projects in London