In article .com,
"Kev" wrote:
I caught a bit of the news last night and they showed Tony Blair
speaking at the Mansion House dinner claiming that the City and the
government must work together to make sure that Crossrail gets built.
Very good point so why has he done naff all about it in the last 9
Actually there is a lot happening. Just because they haven't turned
over a sod of earth yet doesn't mean nothing is going on.
I actually prefer major construction projects to have settled plans
and permission from all landowners involved before they start being
"We can also agree that Saddam Hussein most certainly has chemical and biolog-
ical weapons and is working towards a nuclear capability. The dossier contains
confirmation of information that we either knew or most certainly should have
been willing to assume." - Menzies Campbell, 24th September 2002.