JohnB wrote:
PeterE wrote:
A standard class return from Manchester to London is £175 now, you
So what.
It's extremely expensive, that's what.
Yep. And I don't think very many would pay that. I doubt if I would.
Many train fares are ridiculously high.
Indeed, probably because of the basic unviability of the railways.
Are you really trying to say car hire, for two people, is dearer
than that? Are you sane?
Can you get from Manchester to London return same day in a hire car
for less than £20?
Well? Can you?
No, but I didn't suggest that.
Can two people get from Manchester to London and back by train in a
day for less than the cost of hire car plus petrol?
So how much is that?
Well, for two people by train it's £350.
I'm not totally up on the cost of hire cars, but it's certainly well below
that. A quick websearch suggests that a Focus-size car could be hired for
around £30-35 a day during the week.
BTW yes I am snipping out your attempts to sidestep the point that
many people have moved on from believing there are no alternatives to
the ownership of a private car.
Seems you have a problem that some people make that choice. Most odd.
Obviously it's your right to make that choice, and I know several people who
do the same. Most people have moved on, and choose otherwise, though. Most
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