C wrote:
Sorry you lost me a bit for that....so what your saying is at the moment the
most Im paying for a journey is £3.50 thats going up to £4 from January
Yeah I suspected my answer was perhaps less than clear.
In answer to your query above - no! The most you'll pay for a single
journey using Oyster Pay-as-you-go (PAYG) - both this year and next
(the Oyster fares are frozen) - is £3.50 for a journey within zones
£4 is the cash fare (i.e. what you'll pay f you're not using Oyster
PAYG) for any journey involving zone 1.
If you do multiple journeys in any one day then if you're using Oyster
PAYG the system doesn't keep on charging you for each individual
journey, instead there is a maximun amount you'll pay for any one day's
worth of travelling. This is known as the daily cap, or Oyster daily
price capping. (Note - for capping to work you have to ensure you touch
in and out when you start/end every journey on the Tube/DLR.)
The faily cap that will apply to you depends on how many journeys you
made during the day, whether you just used buses or used the Tube/DLR
as well/instead, what zones you travelled through on the Tube/DLR and
what times of the day you made your journeys.
Basically if you're day's travelling in London doesn't involve National
Rail, then use an Oyster card. If it does involve National Rail, you're
probably better off with a One Day Travelcard, as Oyster PAYG can't be
used on most National Rail routes.
Perhaps if you're still confused you might outline what your plans are
and then someone will advise you of the best ticketing option.