I was at Finsbury Park at around 0340 when the platform announcer told
us that there wouldn't be any eastbound Piccadilly services for a while
"due to a fight in progress on a train at Caledonian Road." He went on
to say that BTP were on their way, and the train wouldn't be going
anywhere until they were happy that the situation had been resolved.
(He did also point out that the delays were beyond their control...)
While I was waiting for an N29 outside, I heard the station PA was
announcing that the problems were due to "passenger action".
As for a Customer Charter claim, does that really count when NatWest
paid your fare?
On Jan 1, 2:02 pm, James Farrar wrote:
Does anyone know what this particular euphemism actually means?
Travelling home last night on the Picc, we sat between South Ken and
Gloucester Road for what must have been close to half an hour, due to
(according to the driver) "passenger action at Hammersmith, passenger
action on a train at Barons Court, and a punch-up on a third train".
Now, being the cheeky bar steward that I am, I'm going to see what
happens to a Charter claim for that debacle - nearly two hours from
Mile End to Northfields via Holborn - I'd have been better to stay on
the Central line all the way to EB and walk!