Happy New Year... & thanks for getting me there and back!
"Dave Arquati" wrote in message
Mizter T wrote:
Happy New Year to one and all on utl.
As somebody who watched the London Fireworks from the other side of the
Irish Sea I can add to the good wishes to the TfL "Platform" staff .
Without doubt London was THE most spectacular Fireworks Display I have ever
TV can never do justice to the sensation of being in close proximity to BIG
pyrotechnic events and NYE`s was just that !
The NYE events underline just what PUBLIC TRANSPORT is all about.....Not
simply to provide good balance sheets for First Group,Arriva,Veolia or
whatever but to allow people to make full use of the City and what it has to
Kenneth L gets a fair share of (deserved) bad press but I would challenge
anybody to find a Civic Leader ANYWHERE in Europe who has pushed the
envelope of Public Transport in such a short time.
Crikey,if any of the Bow Bellers want to sample what it COULD have been like
then take a trip over to Dublin where you can sample a City which has so
many inflated ego`s in charge that it risks self destruction in traffic
Am I incorrect in thinking that Dublin and London have LORD`s Mayor whilst
most other City`s have simply MAYOR`s.......I await a response ?