"JNugent" wrote in message
"JNugent" wrote:
[snip old attibutions:]
A standard class return from Manchester to London is £175 now,
you know.
So what.
Soince no-one sensible would even think of paying that much - per
person - for such a journey, so what?
The trains that cost that much are pretty much full.
Every one of them not sensible?
Or every one of them not paying.
Some of them must be paying.
Those who are not can fully justify it to the accounts department.
You'd have to have no sense of values to all to pay £175 for such a
It's cheaper on the BA Shuttle.
But from your own economic perspective it _must_ be better to take the train
than fly.
People do it.
You could even take a taxi...
It would be a horrendous journey.
Its perhaps a problem with the free market that people do not
always behave in a sensible way
snip Irrational and ad-homineum abuse
The so-called "Irrational and ad-homineum abuse" was no more than an
straightforward analysis and characterisation of what you had written.
No, you relate disagreeing with a theory as smart-arse-spotty kidism.
Irrational and ad-homineum stereotyping of a position you disagree with.
Here it is again:
[in respnse to: "Its perhaps a problem with the free market that people do
not always behave in a sensible way" - the first reaction of so many who
don't even want to understand the theory of rational decision-making:]
It's just one theory, and its flawed.
Anyone who has studied (or taught) Economics will immediately have
recognised your syndrome - if not from their own reaction, then certainly
from the reaction of class-mates. It's as well-known as the class wag
telling the teacher that "respect has to be earned, Miss".
[You are such a master of all things that we must not question your views?
dick ]
So, this theory, is the only theory and its cast in stone is it?
Are you saying that no-one ever makes bad decisions and this never ever
arses up the economy.
There are many examples of this happening. Its happening right now.
What you seem to be saying, is that because I question a theory I am a
spotty smartarse.
Its also an aspect of usenet-loonism and also the ability to think freely
and come to a decision based on real understanding - the kind of thing that
got industry moving in different and efficient ways through the years.
As I have often said, you seem to be some grey suited "norm" sheep that does
not want to think for yourself, and just want to swallow a flawed theory
that suits your dodgy political thoughts.
I don't disagree with the bits I wrote, and I don't even disagree with all
the bits that others wrote. John Buckley was right, for one.
The 175 pounds is fully justifyable as "you can't buck the market".
If you think £175 for a one-person fare from Manchester to London (even if
it is a return) is "justifiable", then please feel free to pay it.
I'm not paying it, but its obviously justifyable, as people do.