Is Edinburgh on the Tube?
Ian Jelf wrote:
In message .com,
Mizter T writes
Ian Jelf wrote:
(snip amusing anecdotes)
People (UK again) getting *very* annoyed that the Eye wasn't next to the
Dome and wanting to know "why not" in an often quire aggressive manner.
When you say "People (UK again)" do you mean Brits, or was that a
mistype and you meant Americans?
No, I meant Brits. Non-Londoners with a little knowledge can be
strangely aggressive about such things. I've had similar "complaints"
about Harrod's not being in Oxford Street and that the then Stakis Saint
Ermin's, behind new Scotland yard wasn't "central enough".
How stupid! To which I guess you can only say something like "yes, I'll
have a word with the designer of London tomorrow and remonstrate with
him for his lack of thoughfulness".
On the flip side of all this, in the early days of the Eye they used to
have a member of staff in each Pod. The first time I took a group on,
I wandered if they'd allow me to do a commentary for my group or want to
do it themselves. I needn't have worried, the girl began her
introduction with "Don't worry if it stops while we're up there, they;re
just putting a cripple on downstairs" and ended with "Does anyone here
not know London and want to hear anything or not?"!
When I first went on the Eye just after it opened we had a most
entertaining out-of-work thespian (an emplyment status that seems to be
particularly popular of those whom have a wont to 'tread the boards')
Yes, lots of people in this profession do/have done that, me included to
some extent! ;-)
No offence intended of course, I know a few actors and they certainly
do live the life less ordinary.