Ken to TOCs - end of January deadline to sign up for Oyster PAYG
Richard J. wrote:
snip But the gates then open (for me), the person ahead of me goes through, and the
gates then shut before I can pass through. Further attempts to read my Oyster are
Oh yes, that's happened a lot - to me and others - around me when it's
very busy. The other problem is the people 'doubling up' deliberately,
as the new style gates are perfect at letting fare evaders through.
These are the same gates in use now on FCC GN (first being at Stevenage
and one other station). The evaders are already managing to get past
quite successfully, not helped by the fact that inspectors and other
staff will generally turn a blind eye to anyone they feel may assault
them. But that's a discussion best saved for another thread...!
To keep on topic, I'd like to see FCC sign up. I see Chiltern has
signed up (is it for the whole of their network?). In the long run, I
look forward to a standardised smartcard that will work outside of Zone
6 too.