On Mon, 15 Jan 2007, Paul Scott wrote:
"Tom Anderson" wrote in message
While we're on the subject, can trains from Stratford on the new route
head west at Canning Town,
No - the local topography prevents a connection in this direction
Surely all that'd be necessary would be to demolish the A13?
- trains south from Stratford will either go towards Beckton, or towards
KGV and eventually Woolwich (under construction now. Remember that the
existing line east from Stratford to Poplar and Lewisham is also having
major improvements to its platforms at Stratford, which will increase
It still has a single-track section around Pudding Mill Lane, though,
doesn't it?
and can trains from the west head south at Poplar?
No, they have already headed south at Westferry...
Doh! I meant from the east. Looking on the goggly maps, the shadow of the
HSBC building makes it hard to say, but it looks like it would be
I was, as i think you guessed, wondering if the new route could replace
the old one, but it seems not. It would be a bit longer anyway, and would
mean the line up to Bow Church would look slightly silly.
Yulava? Niob Yam!