Work to start on DLR from Canning Town to Stratford International
Dave A wrote:
Passenger traffic on the NLL between Stratford and Highbury &
Islington is presently good, and quite busy, with many of passengers
making connections at Highbury & Islington (for central London). Plans
are in the works for significant enhancements to the heavy rail
service on the NLL, initially by
extending trains to four cars but later by doubling service frequency
from 4 to 8tph.
I thought it was the other way round, i.e. 8 tph first (from 2009) and
longer trains later. Although your site implies that all the new trains
for the NLL/WLL/ELL will be of 4 cars, the notes at the end of TfL's
press release of 5/9/06 said "24 dual-voltage three-car trains for the
North London Railway from 2009; 20 four-car trains for the East London
Railway when it opens in 2010".
In TfL's response (Feb 2006) to Network Rail's draft Cross-London RUS,
it says "Our research suggests that 3-car operation [on the NLL with 8
tph] may be sufficient to meet 2016 forecast peak hour demand ... but
not beyond."
Richard J.
(to e-mail me, swap uk and yon in address)