DLR driver falling asleep
"Richard J." wrote in news:fVPth.737$9S5.344
Have you reported this to DLR management? If not, please do so. As you
say, he was clearly not in a fit state to do his job.
No, I haven't. I wouldn't either, *because* it's only the DLR and the
trains drive themselves anyway. It's hopefully a one-off and hopefully he
doesn't make a habit of it. If he does, he'd have been reported long ago I
guess, by someone a little less forgiving!
Which is why I haven't identified the time I was using the DLR or which
route it was.
As I said, he could have a very valid reason for being knackered. He could
be on strong medication.
But what is clear is that management - if they are reading this list -
really ought to consider giving paid sick leave to contractors. Because no
one who was entitled to sick leave would have worked in that condition. So
that's my main reason for posting it up here.