Using Oyster on Valid NR Services
"Raymond Kirk" wrote in
How does Oyster work when you need to touch in and touch out on more
than one occasion to complete a journey.
E.G A jorney from Harow on the Hill to Oxford Circus
Touch in at Harrow on the Hill.
Use Chiltern line to get to Marylebone.
At Marlebone, touch out to exit Chiltern Rail.
Touch in to enter Bakerloo line.
Touch out at Oxford Circus.
This would register as 2 journeys and cost £7.
This does not make sense!
When you pass through the Chiltern barrier line at Marylebone Oyster
will deduct £3.50. If you enter the Bakerloo line within a set period
(I think 15 minutes) Oyster treats it as the same journey. Confusingly
it will display a charge of £3.50 on exit but that's the £3.50 already
paid. I my experience Oyster is very good at getting this sort of thing
Now, a question for the experts. What happens on the return journey
when, if you just miss an Aylesbury train on a Sunday, for example, the
interchange time at Marylebone could easily be 50+ minutes. Presumably
Oyster would could that as two journeys, as well as the obvious
alterative (walk to Baker Street and catch a Met from there)?