Above or Below Ground???
Unless I'm very much mistaken, it was Richard J.
), in message
who said:
Paul Terry wrote:
In message , John Rowland
Are you sure Hatton Cross is cut-and-cover? It's quite deep, and
there would be no obvious reason to cover it.
I'm not sure it is very deep, is it? I recall just stairs down to the
platforms - not even an escalator.
Yes, there are 33 steps down to the platforms, which have flat
ceilings and are evidently cut-and-cover. The "obvious reason to
cover it" is that the exit from the bus station and the airport
perimeter road are on top of it.
I've always wondered just who uses Hatton cross.
With the exception of staff working in the immediate area, anyone going to
the airport would surely use the two 'terminal' stations, and aside from an
under-occupied industrial estate there's not a lot in the area on the
non-airport side.
The only time in my life that I've used the station was as a pick-up point
on my world-record attempt, having just been around the Heathrow loop.