Lintilla wrote in
On Sun, 07 Jan 2007 08:19:50 -0600, "Tristán White"
If there is an H&C train on the terminus platform at Plaistow, is that
likely to leave before any H&C train going westbound leaves from the
main platform?
It's a bit like the Wembley Park problem, knowing which one to take.
How simple would it be to have a dot matrix display before you go down
the stairs, showing which one is leaving first, in these situations?
And see this interesting thread, on google 5 yrs back:
Thanks for that - never read that thread at the time as I was using Canning
Town only at that time. But thanks for the reminder, and the amusing read.
I can't remember seeing any signs lit up (I'll look tomorrow morning) so I
wonder whether it either never got fixed, or whether it's blown again.
Or most likely, it's permanently lit up as they seem hell-bent on using as
much electricity as possible without giving a toss.
If you want another example of this, look at that ridiculous exit at
Canning Town that takes you to the wonders of Bow Creek. I have never known
that exit to be open since Canning Town had a tube, yet the area is
permanently lit up like a Christmas tree and with an unused and
unaccessible (but switched-on and power-hungry) lift taking you to the
unapproachable wonders of Bow Creek.
All this coming out of my hard-earned, whether via my local council-tax or
via my season ticket.
Either way, it's a waste. If TfL AT LEAST made a few gestures by planting a
few trees to counter their carbon footprint, I could live (perhaps) with
the waste of energy. Only perhaps. But they don't. Instead they waste our
money and the environment's precious resources.