Carbon footprint (WAS Plaistow)
You work for them so perhaps you see more effort than I do.
But as far as the "punter" is concerned, and I represent that sector, all I
see is dotmatrix displays that say nothing but are switched permanently on
until some time in a few years time when they will actually be connected to
the computers (see previous posts), and the ridiculous situations like in
Canning Town, where an entire lift is on 24/7 going to Bow Creek with all
lights blazing, but no public allowed there (so it's not on for security
reasons - rather when Canning Town opened they had some grand idea of
providing an alternative exit to the wondrous splendours of views over the
river Lea that, errrm, never actually happened).
8 years on and still nothing. But even so, it's always on, ready, (but
inaccessible to Joe Public).
So you see a greener TfL. Well that's good. But it's a bit like Prince
Charles, jetting off in First Class (in fact, booking out the entire first
class for his entourage) to give a speech the other side of the pond on
environmental issues. Yeah (!)