Different approach to smart card travel
On Feb 3, 1:55 am, "sweek" wrote:
On a brighter note, the completely new timetable that was introduced
in December has actually been a succes, and not the big disaster that
many had thought it would be.
It's causing a lot of problems at Schiphol, because they've tried an
experiment whereby instead of most trains being timetabled to a
specific platform, they're timetabled (almost Czech-style) to any
platform on a specific island. The trouble with that is that the flap-
board PIS can't cope with this properly. To handle it large LCD
screens have been installed in addition, but these show only things
like "1030 Stoptrein Den Haag HS". An arrow is added when it's
determined which side it's going to be. However, because these boards
don't show intermediate stops, and because most trains run across
Amsterdam, it is causing a *lot* of confusion with tourists at
Schiphol. Given that I don't think I've ever seen both sides of the
same island occupied at Schiphol (interchange between Stoptreinen and
Sneltreinen is timetabled to happen at Hoofdorp instead), I really
don't understand why it was done.
As to the Dutch reaction to the failures like Randstadrail (which, as
I said, I don't know how it'll ever run without major mods to the
stock) I think it's a slightly cynical resignation, but I do get the
impression that patience may be running out, and that the car may be
on the up. For such a public-transport-oriented country that's quite