In message of Fri, 2 Feb 2007
12:07:57 in, Paul Scott
"Walter Briscoe" wrote in message
Yesterday, I got a costs award against Haringey.
Ah - you meant your council, not your counsel...
I don't object to the law. I object to its obscurity and to a council
(thanks) taking money with a law which is not understood by either the
relevant attendant or the appeals service. Another sensible London-only
law (I don't have a reference to the statute to hand) makes blocking a
driveway an offence.
In California - where I first passed a driving test - the corresponding
distance is a foot and, AFAIR, both nearside wheels have to be within
that distance.
P.S. Can somebody point to the detailed law which applies to Bus lanes?
I note the lack of timing consistency results in many treating all of
them as "at any time". I recently went through about 6 which did not
apply. The 7th was "at any time" and I did not spot that until I checked
back later. Fortunately, no camera seems to have recorded my inadvertent
P.P.S. Before 2000, we used to visit friends who lived in a 4 lane
residential street. None of the houses had off-street parking. Residents
used to double park and co-operate when a blocked car moved. It worked
well enough for them.
Walter Briscoe