Different approach to smart card travel
On Feb 3, 5:54 pm, "sweek" wrote:
It's coins or debit cards only, which is absolutely stupid.
Not only that, but *Maestro* debit cards only, which rules out about
50% of UK cards as about half the UK banks issue Visa debit cards,
which are generally processed as if they were a credit card for
international stuff.
I've also heard that (because Switch used to be a UK-only standard)
the success rate for UK cards is not exactly 100% even if the Maestro
logo is displayed.
Compared with this, Uncle Ken's Tube tourist tax isn't half as bad, as
at least anyone can put in a bit of effort and get an Oyster card to
avoid it. (The trick I use to avoid it is to buy all the tickets I
think I'm going to need in one go from the machines at Schiphol,
because they do take credit cards and will issue undated tickets
including to/from other stations).