On 7 Feb, 20:12, "Clive D. W. Feather"
Some readers may recognise Stephen's name as author of the unofficial
Tramlink web site.
I regret to say that I have just been informed that he was killed today
in a road crash, being the driver of the Vauxhall mentioned in
I knew Steve since we were children his father knew mine and our
interest in railways caused us to become good friends. Steve's
knowledge of railways, computers and mathematics was incredible, not
to mention his interest in the Croydon Tramlink. We used to get a
Travelcard and travel all over the railways in London and he taught me
a lot of what I know today.
It's been sometime since I saw Steve but we kept in touch through
email and we spoke not to long ago. He was an incredible young man who
was a self-professed 'anorak'. For those of you who want to know more
about him then his website at
http://www.sjp.me.uk/ is a testiment to
For those who didn't know about his love for the Trams, you soon would
if you had met him! Nothing happened on Croydon Tramlink without Steve
being there to report it! From construction until just a couple of
weeks before he passed away he kept the website updated with news,
views and photos. It would be fitting if in some way or other Croydon
Tramlink could recognise their most dedicated follower and if anyone
from Tramlink is reading this or anyone who can help could you please
email me. It would be a terrible shame if they did not recognise
someone who followed their system with such enthusiasm and took such
an interest.
Stephen always called me Ant and I always called him Steve, I don't
think anyone else called him that and nobody else has called me Ant!
He was an asset to his family and to society and I for one will very
much miss his enthusiasm and knowledge for Trams and Railways.
Wherever you are I hope there are plenty of Trams to keep you busy
mate, you're being missed already!
(visit his website: