fare dodgers
On 11 Feb, 18:27, "Boltar" wrote:
On Feb 10, 2:13 pm, "Paul Weaver" wrote:
Some I can't see how you can catch, even with checks on trains. I
accosted a middle-class fare dodger at my local station the other day,
they had followed through the barrier on my heels so I loudly informed
them that fare dodging was illegal and punishable by a £1000 fine. She
insisted that she had a valid ticket but it wasn't valid until after
09:30 (it was 0900), and it was no buisness of mine, to which I
responded if it's valid, it would open the barrier, and if you're fare
dodging you're increasing my fare and making my station seem less used
than it is, leading to possible closure.
Perhaps for your next trick you could take your public spirited stand
to the GLA offices and do the same to Ken LIvingstone and his cronies
who have raised the price of travelcards to absurd levels. I have
every sympathy with fare dodgers these days since the travelling
public in london is being completely and utterly shafted by sky high
fares and a 3rd world service run by a bunch of thick witted
management and bone idle, indifferent staff.
It is a shame that Boltar didn't end his comments at Mayor
Livingstone, he then decided to slag the staff that mostly agree that
fares are exorbibant. We are on our feet for between 5 and 8 hours a
day and have to take not only verbal but also now becoming more
frequent physical abuse. If he thinks our job is easy, why not spend a
shift at a central London station and experience the delightful
travelling public. Also if something goes wrong, be it fire, explosion
or any number of possibilities, he will rely on the training of the
staff to get him out. I hope he takes that on board the next time he
chooses to slag off the staff.