fare dodgers
On Feb 12, 4:34 pm, "John B" wrote:
On 12 Feb, 14:51, "Boltar" wrote:
Vote with your pounds then, and don't use it! And remember to vote
Sorry , the don't use it argument is a non starter. Some of us don't
have a choice.
Rubbish. Are you genuinely incapable of getting a job within cycling/
walking/bussing distance of your house?
No , I'm sure could get a job flipping burgers in the local McDonalds.
If not, then you have a choice. And your decision has been to pay for
the Tube rather than make these lifestyle changes. Go figure...
No mate , when I started working in london the fares were reasonable.
I didn't get a job here *knowing* how bad the fares were because they
*weren't* that bad. They been slowly forced on me as the years went
by. And you saying I've made some sort of liftstyle choice so should
put up with the fares is just specious defeatist bull**** - you could
use that sort of argument to justify anything and let the people
responsible get away with it.
Don't like the way the country is being run? Go live somewhere else.
Don't agree with the bombing of Iraq? Go live somewhere else.
Don't like the cost of stamps? Go live somewhere else.
Etc etc.