This is my journey history for last Saturday. I was already expecting
this all to go wrong, and I think it did here... but can anyone tell
me exactly what happened?
Basically, I left from home and went to Bow Road where I met up with
friends, to then travel to Clapham Common together starting at Bow
Church. Because Bow Road - Bow Church is an official transfer I
suppose it saw that as a transfer and has put all the journeys
together into one long one, exceeding the 2 hour limit.
After that I went from Clapham Common to Oxford Circus for a quick
drink and then back to Hillingdon.
If anyone can explain to me what happened and tell me if it's possible
for me to claim money back, that'd be great. I have auto-top up set up
as well, which is why it added 20 pounds.
Here's a link to the journey history: