Old Dalby Test Track to be used by Metronet
On Feb 16, 1:51 pm, "Nick Lawford" wrote:
District Line trains to Fenchursh Street for example (capacity relief
District line taken up by reinstating NR trackage).
What NR tracks? Anyway , if they ever did reinstate some disused NR
tracks for the district line I'm sure they'd just make them 4th rail.
batch from Kent to GN. 458s have limited redeployment choices because
they were never AC approved even though can technically handle it. This
is why 350 have now been DC approved, and so on.
Yes , but those are mainline trains designed to run on the main line.
The only real difference is the electrical pickup. The S stock is
designed for somewhat different conditions and loading gauges, not to
mention top speed and acceleration, in the underground system.
Yes , I'm sure "more or less" would be fine until it hits a bit of
trackside equipment.
This is EXACTLY what the Ludites said when Electrostars and Desiros came
to the Sr.
That something once happened (eg Snow Hill) and was closed does not
prevent a restart (Thameslink).
What possible operational reason could there be to run District trains
on 25Kv lines already served by NR services? The district line to
upminster (and met to amersham) is arguably already too long to
provide reliable services at tube frequencies so why make it even
longer? The District & Met Railways WERE mainline railways (or they
certainly tried to be). The District underground line is not, its part
of a metro system now. Things change.
Testing and approving - not equipping until or if needed.
Approving would mean a compromise design thats perhaps not as well
suited to tube use as a design specifically for the tube. And for
what? Some nebulous possibility they might work the trains on NR when
some pigs take wing? Doesn't seem like a smart decision to me.
I mean why not take your argument to its logical conclusion and make
every train everywhere in the country compatable with every line?
Ideally they should be.
So all passengers should suffer some lowest common denominator train
with the smallest loading gauge , shortest carriages etc? Perhaps they
should all be diesel so they can all run on non electrified lines too?