podroz do londynu lub bristol
On Fri, 16 Feb 2007 17:50:15 -0000, "Martin Underwood" a@b wrote:
Angels wrote in message
Poszukuje osob, ktore w polowie maja chcialyby wyjechac do Londynu lub
Bristol i tam mieszkac (wspoldzielic dom lub mieszkanie przez
wynajecie) a takze podjac tam prace. Lot tanimi liniami lotniczymi z
oplatami to ok. 100 zl.
Sorry, we don't speak Polish in this newsgroup.
In short my message. I need some people who want fly to London or
Bristol from Poland, and lives, works in those city.
In other message - Could You talk me in which city I could work as
technic informathic?
Sorry for a error in this message. I can't english very much.