Passenger door buttons gone on refurb D Stock
James Farrar wrote:
They haven't been used for, ooh, seven or eight years now.
When I first moved to London (1997) the doors were only
passenger-controlled in the winter,
I'm not sure if it was around then or earlier but LU posted a number of very
self-satisfied adverts around the Central Line about how great the buttons
were because when trains are waiting for long times at open stations you can
close the doors and so not get so wet/cold. Now they've stopped.
Most if not all NR suburban commuter trains have the option to close, and
the trains are designed to stop cold wind circulating through carriages if
they are waiting at exposed stations with doors open for a while. Why is so
little effort made for this on the tube? It's often cited as a corroborating
reason for the Epping - Ongar service never being attractive.