DEcongestion zone map
On 19 Feb, 17:17, "Jeremy Parker" wrote:
"Paul Weaver" wrote
Bus drivers in London are a menace to cyclists, often
overtaking with inches to spare, then pulling in and slamming the
brakes on. They are loud and stink. Taxi's aren't much better when
comes to running you off the road.
Cyclists who have that problem have usually created it for themselves
by riding too close to the kerb.
As everyone will tell you, read John Franklin's "Cyclecraft", the
stuff about primary and secondary positions.
How does it help on a two lane road like Bayeswater Road? I typically
ride about within 6" the centre of lane 1. The bus then doesn't bother
pulling completely into lane 2, but even if it did, it has traffic
tailing it. It then pulls straight in front of you and slams its
breaks on. If you're luck it indicates. Practically every bus in rush
hour stops at every stop along that road, so it shouldn't be a
surprise to them.
So, this bus is now 2 foot infront of you, you have to slam your
brakes on to avoid plowing into the bus. You could move to lane 2 to
re-overtake, however there is traffic behind you, and in the time it
takes you to check over your shoulder, you could plow into the back of
the bus. So there's no choice except to slow and stop. You then fidn
that lane 2 is full.
You can't normally ride in lane two, as you should stay in the left-
hand lane when not overtaking.
Simple answer is to prevent buses, taxis, and any other vehicle that
is likely to stop in a few yards from overtaking bikes at all times. I
wouldn't mind as much, but when going down bayswater road towards
holland park cyclists are almsot universally faster than buses.
It's as bas as when buses pointlessly overtake each other.
Still, what you going to do. Ken likes buses, they do no wrong.
Perhaps a small camera with wide angle lens mounted on the handlebars
taking a picture every half a second would provide enough evidence?