DEcongestion zone map
On Tue, 20 Feb 2007, Clive Coleman. wrote:
In message . com, Paul
Weaver writes
So, this bus is now 2 foot infront of you, you have to slam your brakes
on to avoid plowing into the bus. You could move to lane 2 to
re-overtake, however there is traffic behind you, and in the time it
takes you to check over your shoulder, you could plow into the back of
the bus. So there's no choice except to slow and stop. You then fidn
that lane 2 is full.
I think you're beginning to get a taste of what it's like to be a
pedestrian on a foot path and cyclists are coming towards you, they're a
menace to me and their selves.
True. People who ride bikes on footways (that have pedestrians on them)
should be strung up.
Yulava? Niob Yam!