On 20 Feb, 13:22, wrote:
And I'm not sure what to say to someone who lives in the borough with
the highest levels of asthma in London and would prefer cars to be
able to clog up the entire borough, not just the main roads. And to
someone who lives in Zone 2, well served by regular public transport,
who drives to work. Unbelievable. I really hope Greenwich council
carries this plan through.
I'd tend to agree overall with your sentiments (as well as Dave's) -
it's worth noting, though, that the OP claims to drive to work at
0430, at which point public transport is not at its best. Indeed, the
TfL planner claims there are no suitable night buses *at all*; I'm
slightly sceptical but not sufficiently so to investigate in detail.
John Band
john at johnband dot org