Secret Tube Trains under London?
On Feb 21, 2:41 pm, "sb" wrote:
On Feb 21, 2:20 pm, "Brian Watson" wrote:
A contributor to The Robert Elms Show on BBC Radio London has just claimed
there are secret underground train lines between Buckingham Palace and
various other London sites.
Nifty conspiracy theory, or fact?
I am assuming that you mean the Winbuck line that has only one
intermediate station at Northolt.
IIRC it was built in the 50's using Icelandic miners who were shipped
back home after the project was completed.
Test trains are run on the first Thursday of every month, in case of
power fail there is a back up facility at Windsor Castle that consists
of 5000 hamster wheels using 20,000 hamsters. There is a secret
hamster farm behind Eton Station.
There's also a branch that runs out to Chequers and onward to connect
with Corsham and the secret Trans-Atlantic supersonic highspeed rail
tunnel built using reverse-engineered alien technology. Some bloke I
met in a pub told me where you see a vent shaft from that on Google
Earth just before it goes under the sea near Weston-Super-Mare, but
I've forgotten the exact location.