Passenger door buttons gone on refurb D Stock
On Feb 20, 4:13 pm, John Hearns wrote:
Boltar wrote:
I don't use the jubilee much but the times I have been on that section
I've not seen any either. Also I can't see how someone would get on or
off a tube in a wheelchair train in the rush hour without serious
inconvenience to themselves and other people. Its hard enough for
mothers with prams.
If mothers with prams can do it, why shouldn't people with wheelchairs?
Because it normally involves lots of people shuffling out the way.
And why suddenly qualify with "in the rush hour".
Umm , because its busy then? Sorry , was I making this too
People with wheelchairs travel on the accessible parts of the Tube in
the following manner: go through the wide gates, using Oyster card.
Use lift to descend to platform level. Get on train.
Repeat in reverse order at destination.
So presumably all the people standing in the train doors who can
barely get on themselves miraculously just melt out the way as soon as
they see a wheelchair? Perhaps there are magic wheelchairs that shrink
so they're only a few inches wide?