Secret Tube Trains under London?
On Wed, 21 Feb 2007 17:20:51 +0000, Graeme Wall
In message
"Brian Watson" wrote:
A contributor to The Robert Elms Show on BBC Radio London has just claimed
there are secret underground train lines between Buckingham Palace and
various other London sites.
Nifty conspiracy theory, or fact?
There are certainly tunnels connecting a large number of sites in Central
London but none of the maps I have access to show them connecting to Buck
House. Some of them are PO (now BT) cable tunnels and others connect the
various government 'citadels' under the various ministry buildings. However
to the best of my knowledge non are equipped with rails.
The usual source of these stories is that someone has heard of these tunnels
and also of the Post Office railway and put 2 and 2 together and made 5.
The Victoria Line passes under Buck House. I have heard stories of
there being an access for mergencies.
As to the story of evacuating the Royal Family in an emergency there are two
runways in Central London capable of taking an aircraft of the Queens Floght
assuming the latter still exists.
The Broad Walk in Kensington Gardens is the obvious one.