Passenger door buttons gone on refurb D Stock
On 21 Feb, 17:33, Tom Anderson wrote:
On Tue, 20 Feb 2007, Mike Bristow wrote:
In article . com,
Boltar wrote:
I don't use the jubilee much but the times I have been on that section
I've not seen any either. Also I can't see how someone would get on or
off a tube in a wheelchair train in the rush hour without serious
inconvenience to themselves and other people. Its hard enough for
mothers with prams.
Folk in wheelchairs can be more nimble than mothers with prams; some of
them will have been 'wheeling' for years, but mothers stop pushing prams
as soon as they can.
Not sure i'd agree with that - there are plenty of women pushing around
kids who are clearly old enough to walk. A friend of mine has a bee in her
bonnet about it and always points them out, so i know this to be true!
Tom - dare I say that it's sometimes easier to shove them in a buggy
anyway! Little legs get tired quickly.