In article ,
Paul Corfield wrote:
I thought the TfL site had car park details but can't find it with their
search box.
Thanks very much, Paul.
Even knowing it's there I still can't find it with the search box (it
seems to be obsessed with cycle parking), so double thanks in fact.
Has anyone any suggestions for a station with at least
moderate parking, not too far out and near-ish the M1, on another line
please ? Somewhere like Neasden perhaps ?
I was going to suggest Stanmore as it is minutes from the M1.
I see from the link that Wembley Park is also an option.
Looks good. I don't expect to be awake enough to do the Met/Jubilee
shuffle even if it works at that time in the morning, but to be honest
I will probably just want to collapse onto a train anyway
Thankyou again
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