Secret Tube Trains under London?
In message , Alistair Gunn
You may debate it as much as you like, I can remember when Trident was
being negotiated with the Merkins to replace Polaris, and it was sold to
us as being a steal at HALF PRICE, and hidden away in smaller print,
(the sort of thing that Newsnight picks up) was the Merkins had right of
So "you remember" the "small print" ... Care to quote a source where the
rest of us can read it?
I was pointing out that Trident was being trumpeted as a major coup,
getting Trident at half price, however both the papers and news media
reported the bits that government spin didn't, that we didn't have real
control. It was a figure of speech. I don't ask you to believe it,
be gullible if you want.