Congestion charge cheat
In article m, Martin
Underwood writes
"Robert Woolley" wrote in message
.. .
On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 17:18:43 +0100, Andrew P Smith
In article , Robert Woolley
Speed does kill. You don;t have to be a genius to understand that the
faster the speed of a vehicle, the longer it takes to stop. And the
faster it hits something else the greater the damage.
No. Bad driving kills. The driver selects what speed they drive at. If
that speed is inappropriate then it's bad driving. Nothing else.
I'm a former member of the Institute of Advanced Motorists. Are you?
But I hold a PSV licence, gained after comprehensive training. I also
hold a RoSPA road safety engineering certficate, a BSc in Transport
Management and Planning, Chartered Membership of the Chartered
Institute of Logistics and Transport, plus Corporate Membership of the
Institution of Highways and Transportation.
OK. Maybe you can answer this question: what are the circumstances under
which a single 4-way roundabout should be replaced by two linked 3-way mini
roundabouts? There's a sod of a junction near me which always gets snarled
up with traffic (junction of Drayton Road, Spring Lane and the two halves of
Ock Street in Abingdon) and it seems to me that it would have a much greater
throughput of traffic if it was converted back to a single larger roundabout
because it would save drivers having to check twice for vehicles from their
right - once on the first roundabout and then again on the second.
I know the junction you mean.
We have an even worse one here in High Wycombe and as for the Magic
Roundabout in Swindon.......
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