In message , Wed, 21
Feb 2007 19:26:47, Paul Terry posted:
In message id, Dr J
R Stockton writes
Query : there are three holes under the main line near Elm Road level
crossing. One is for Elm Road; one is used by trains from New Malden to
Norbiton. Why the third, parallel to and north of the second?
I can't immediately see where you mean. Can you give a location on ...,+Greater+Lo
Recovered by re-boot :
If you walk down Elm Road, it's obvious.
Better to start with one step less of zoom. You can then see the
Norbiton-bound track going under the main line and across the road,
where the crossing is closed. The third hole is parallel to the second,
to the north of it by the width of a train plus the thickness of a wall
plus (presumably) a bit of clearance, and to the east of it by about 40
On each side of the main line you can see two triangular flat bits of
hole-roof, one with track and one without.
Note that the picture of that part was taken from a bit to the North
(and East) - the new-looking building to the NW of the crossing beside
Holmwood Court, with two sets of chimneys, can be presumed to have a
symmetrical roof. But at New Malden Station, the picture of the west
tower was clearly taken from the South, unlike that of the east tower.
The expected train is nearing the West end of Northcote Road.
(c) John Stockton, Surrey, UK. Turnpike v6.05 MIME.
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