Oyster Helpline Cost
On Feb 28, 12:10 am, "MIG" wrote:
Does TfL make any money from calls to 08453309876?
Is there any means of claiming back the cost of calls in any case,
when this is the only way of resolving problems caused by TfL and
Why is there not a free number, given the punitive extractions of
money faced by TfL "customers" and the limited means of redress?
When I last called them, I was planning to ask for the call costs, but
the man nicely said "lets just make it £1.50 to cover the costs and
annoyance of the call." It was put on my debit card.
If the Oystercard system has fouled up, ALWAYS ask for your money
back. Through no fault of my own, I have been overcharged at least
five times through small amounts (under £1) - I can only assume TfL
think they'll get away with it.
A friend of mine was overcharged the same amount on a trip before
christmas. As a non-London resident, he couldn't have it added to his
Oystercard so was told to call back when he was next going. As this
was unsatisfactory to him, he wrote a letter, to which he sent two
months ago. No response. At the start of the month, a letter was hand-
delivered to Albany House. Still no response. Letter now being sent to
Uncle Ken - reclaiming the costs of the phone call & a stamp. If it
were me, I'd be tempted to charge a £5 "Administration" fee.