Woo Woo!
On Mar 5, 2:46 pm, "Paul Scott"
"elyob" wrote in message
Any idea why, over the last few days, the trains have been blowing their
horns a lot more? I've lived near Surbiton Station for a few years, but
have no idea why I've noticed this. At times it sounds like there's a
train sat at the station just blowing its horn!
Is it a general rule to blow your horn at every station or just Surbiton?
Hasn't there been a lot of weekend track maintenance work in the area
recently? If the driver sights workers in the distance he has to give them a
There was track relaying at New Malden on the down spur to the
Kingston line. This caused the down slow line through the station to
be used for PW trains and the subsequent closure of the station and of
Berrylands. There were bustitutions in force and the Hampton Court
branch was operated by a shuttle to and from Surbiton. Whether this
contributed to excess horn sounding or not I don't know. Perhaps the
driver of through trains were warned ther ewould be more passenger on
the fast line side of the platforms waiting for train and to sound
their horns more vigourously than usual