Diamond West Midlands Bus Story
John Rowland wrote:
Ian Jelf wrote:
The usual gossip among the passengers ensued
and then someone already on the bus said, "he doesn't know where he's
going and he can't speak English".
I've been on a railway replacement bus where the driver had nothing but a
scrawled road list written by his friend from an A-Z. I asked to look at it,
and it went down some tiny roads and around tight corners where a bus
wouldn't fit. Given that a Tomtom satnav can easily handle multistop
itineraries, it's very poor that the bus companies aren't issuing something
like that to drivers doing unfamiliar routes.
I've had a bus driver in North Yorkshire ask to borrow an OS map I had
in my pocket, and one ask if he had to call at all the little places on
the route, or could he just stick to the main road bypassing them.
A bus I was on got trapped within some roadworks near Norwood Junction a
while back, and passengers who knew where the diversion was had to guide
the driver back out of the mess and onto the temporary route.
Arthur Figgis Surrey, UK