In message of Thu, 8 Mar 2007
15:49:28 in, Frank Incense
If I take my Oyster PP out and get on a tube from say Z4 to Zone2 or 1even
then get on a bus followed by returning from the Z1 to Z4 how much will i be
deducted for what is 3 serperate journeys in total?
Thanks - Bit new to all this
The question suggests you are confused. Welcome to the club.
Let us assume your first journey of the day is after 09.30 and before
19.00 Monday to Friday and you pay an adult fare.
Your first journey in Zones 1-4 costs 2.50. The cap is 5.20. The bus
costs 1.00 and your return journey costs 1.70. The total cost is 5.20
and capping applies. Subsequent journeys in that day would be free.
I you bought a Zones 1-4 Off-Peak Travelcard, it would cost 5.70.
I get a New Deal rate as I have been unemployed for more than 6 months
and I am more than 50. My New Deal card had lapsed by yesterday. My Zone
1 Off-Peak fare was 1.50. I renewed my New Deal entitlement for a
further 13 weeks and my next Zone 1 fare was 0.70. The cap is 2.30 and
the next fare was 0.10. I was impressed! Most of the relevant
information is available in a pamphlet called "YOUR guide to fares and
tickets" which seems also to be at
Can anyone tell where "New Deal" itself is documented? DWP is quite
opaque about it.
Walter Briscoe