North London Line Revisited
In message , Richard J.
The problem is that despite raising the congestion charge and
enlarging the area, all most of us can see from Ken in the way of
transport improvement is buses.... buses the numbers of which even
God hasn't seen before :-) Then Ken made it 2 quid to get on them
Don't be silly; it's £1 with Oyster.
I know it's away from the thread, but I really think Oyster isn't the
solution for many people who Ken should be helping. The out of work off
to the odd interview, granny on a special trip.... they just aren't
catered for, and of course it can hit tourists hard if they aren't
prepared for it.
Mind you aren't the Venezuelans taking pity on poor old third world
London and helping out with a few bob ? :-)
Edward Cowling London UK