D7666 wrote:
On Mar 17, 8:36 am, (Nick Leverton) wrote:
Hitachi Class 395, not "Javelin".
But this won't stop someone calling them 6Jav soon - or even 6Jap.
I think you could have just coined a phrase there, Nick 
Well possibly
The -ap bit has a SR connection - 2Hap - and Kent certainly has major
association with the 2Hap fleet even though the -a and the p have no
common meaining.
My impression was that they were seen to take over from where the 2Hal
left off, they beign "half a lav", and I assume the "p" was some
indication of EP brakes.
And again the were 6Pan (so now 6 ja-Pan) , 6Jap could also mean Japan
And Pancras (6 jap-pan) and so on, there are several possibilites
Or to continue the Southern's lavatory fixation, they could be 6Dis, as
they will have disabled lavatories, or 6Ret for retention tanks.