Congestion charge cheat
In message , Robert Woolley
Speed does kill. You don;t have to be a genius to understand that the
faster the speed of a vehicle, the longer it takes to stop. And the
faster it hits something else the greater the damage.
So as I have two cars, a little one for pottering around in,10+ years
old with brakes to match. Also a new car with all round disc brakes
and ABS. This car tends to far out brake the old car. Maybe, Both my
cars should have different speed limits then. Maybe all cars should
have different speed limits, maybe all drivers should have different
speed limits depending on their reaction times, maybe etc. etc. Maybe
one day, posters will realise that fixed speed limits are too high for
some vehicles and too low for others. Maybe the fixed speed posters,
when in an ambulance rushing them to hospital for emergency treatment
will ask the driver to slow down to the legal limit. Maybe pigs might