Church Street bridge next to Edmonton green, london N9
Church Street bridge next to Edmonton green Station please help!
Traveling to work would be less stressful if you put up some wire
netting under the bridge which would mean I don't have to worry about
pigeons toilet droppings landing on my head and new suit.
Help us Train commuters and shoppers traveling and crossing the bridge
to get to the New Edmonton green shopping centre (The regeneration)
and Edmonton green Station.
I know it sounds absurd but its not nice being bugged by pigeon
droppings but geting pigeon toilet droppings on my jacket and head on
the way to work it cost money to clean and the smell! oh. and you
have to have your garments dry cleaned and clean yourself down with
bathroom tissue.
Not just that but just that but It could become a safety issue trying
to cross a road and you get pigeon toilet droppings on your head you
can lose fours crossing the road.
I was talking to a local teenager last week and he said he was eating
some chips with his kebab walking along the Steert as teenagers do
then after crossing the road church street bridge a pigeon done
droppings that fell in the chips as he was crossing the road, I told
him to complain to Enfield Borough but he said what is the point thay
don't care or words to that affect.
Not sure why everyone seems to tolerate this maybe its the large
ethnic communities of Edmonton green that don't apprehend they can
complain about it such things as pigeon toilet droppings.
Anyway I know this may all sound funny but please see the serious side
as well as pigeon droppings create an unhealthy environment and pigeon
toilet droppings can cause ill health.
Edmonton green is now looking really nice and could be nicer still if
not for that bridge.
Please stop pigeons nesting in the middle of the bridge by putting up
wire or something so I don't keep getting pigeon toilet droppings on
me and other unfortunate residences of Enfield Borough.