Secret Tube Trains under London?
Just a point of interest, the Jubilee line tunnels to Charing Cross are not
disused, they are used when the service is disrupted and trains need to be
'turned short' of their destination. The trains are emptied of passengers
at Green Park and then run to Charing Cross empty to reverse and they pick
up passengers at green park going north.
wrote in message
The "secret Buckingham Palace" connection to the Victoria Line theory
rears its head every now and again and we have to ask just what its
use would be?
Firstly one assumes Buck House has had some form of air-raid shelter
since WW1 and these would have been upgraded for WW2, The Cold War and
even the "War on Terror".
So why would the Royal Family want to leave this sanctury? Perhaps to
flee the area in the event of revolution, but obviously there would be
no case of boarding a passing Vic Line train and diverting it to
Northolt (for RAF base) or Heathrow. Indeed in the case of such severe
civil unrest, it is most unlikely the LUL system would be running. So
it could be to travel on foot to exit elsewhere, but only to exit at
an existing station, which suggests a Siagon-style helicopter airlift
would be better. And if there is a 'secret' door, surely enough people
have walked the few hundred yards of tunnel where such a connection
would have to be for someone to have seen it?
Another idea would be to use the LU tunnels to link Buck House with
the known government underground bunkers under Whitehall (walk NB Vic
Line to Green Park, the Jub Line SB to Charing X disused). But again,
whilst any palace and government systems are presumably sealable
against 'NBC' forms of attack, no such protection exists in the LU
network. Ah - so wear an NBC suit in the tunnel I hear some people
say, in which case why not travel by military vehicle at street level?
I'm quite sure there's more underground than we're allowed to know
about, but doubt it involves the LU system. There are just too many
people who would have found out about any such provision over the
years, 9999% of whom have never had to sign the OSA Act and are thus
free to speak.