London or London's Transport Museum
On Apr 1, 7:19�pm, Ian Jelf wrote:
I had my first look at the shop yesterday and was actually pretty
impressed. * Plenty of space for one thing. * It's *much* easier to
browse books, in particular, which I like.
I've posted here before about the offhand attitude of staff there and
have to say that the (two) people who served us were very happy and
cheerful, which makes a change! * :-)
I hope it's a sign of things to come.
Now, I wonder what the Museum will look like? * (Good news about
dropping the apostrophe, by the way. * I wonder when TfL will become
"London Transport"?)
Ian Jelf, MITG
Birmingham, UK
Registered Blue Badge Tourist Guide for London and the Heart of England
Sorry to insert a critical note into the general back-slapping about
the dropping of the apostrophe (actually, it's the apostrophe AND the
"s" that are being dropped - just dropping the apostrophe would have
been even worse!), but I am appalled that the new logo on the website
appears to have dispensed with upper-case lettering altogether - even
for "london"(sic.).
I find little more visually offensive than proper nouns starting with
a lower-case letter. Of course, it should be "London Transport
Museum", not "london transport museum" - or is the new organisation
also going to be changed to "transport for london" (sic.)?
It's made even worse by the inconsistency that follows - on the main
Museum page, the text immediately refers to the "Museum" (sic.) and
not "museum" (sic.) which is in the main header just above it!
(for whom pedantry is a way of life!)