Help!!!! What happens now! Buying ticket from ticket tout
"Helen Deborah Vecht" wrote in message
Paul Weaver typed
On Wed, 22 Oct 2003 04:19:27 +0100, wrote:
Hi all,
A friend of mine was on a London bus and a revenue inspector got on.
The Revenue Inspector asked my friend "What station did you buy this
travelcard from". The revenue inspector also asked "How much did you
pay for this ticket"
Does the ticket inspector have any right to ask this? IMO they
as TFL is subsidised by the public
Is finding a travelcard on the floor less serious than buying one from
a tout?
Perhaps they should arrest people that stand at the entrances to
touting? It's not like they're discreet.
Yebbut LUL staff aren't allowed to stop the touts personally AIUI. They
have to call the police.
All tickets have codes on them which relate to the time & place of
issue. IMO ignorance of a ticket's provenance could count as
circumstantial evidence for a ticket-related offence.
Which, I believe, is not enough on its own. Some people have a lousy memory,
some people may have had the ticket bought for them (as in I get 2
travelcards on the way home for myself and my friend, which *should* be
fine), etc.
LU staff should be armed with guns to shoot the touts. There are *always*
touts at certain stations, arrest a few, lock them in the cells for a couple
of days, and I'm sure they'll be a decrease.